Sunday, December 25, 2005

Are You Getting Bad Advice?

Are You Getting Bad Advice?

© Copyright Rosalind Gardner, All Rights Reserved.

During my research this week, I came across an ezine with a subject line that read, 'Stick with One Guru Guidance'. I fully expected that the title was crafted with shock value simply to grab the reader's attention, and expected that the article would in fact promote the opposite viewpoint.

I was wrong.

In a nutshell, the author said that although there is lots of great Internet marketing advice available, if you read the advice of too many 'gurus', you will get confused, lose focus, and that 'complete paralysis' will be the ultimate result.

My immediate reaction was to think 'how absurd'. Without a careful survey of many different viewpoints, you can't formulate your own ideas and opinions.

Although I've been marketing online for since 1997, I still spend time almost everyday researching topics relevant to my Internet businesses.

My email inbox overflows with ezines and newsletter subscriptions. I surf the Web to see what's new and what has changed in the Internet marteting realm. I regularly purchase and review newly-released products and services.

Above all, I seek advice and learn from both my mentors and those I mentor.

I can't imagine choosing between Corey, Marlon, Yanik or a dozen others to be my only eBusiness mentor. All are extraordinarily knowledgeable and each offers a unique perspective. I learn volumes from each and every one.

While I agree that the plethora of prescriptions for internet business success can be somewhat confusing, I trust that you, my dear readers, have ample intelligence to wade through and determine whose counsel is of value to you.

Basic study and organizational skills will help you avoid confusion. Take notes, keep a business diary and bookmark pertinent web pages. Categorize them in ways that make sense to you.

In summary, here's a prescription for your Internet business success. Get a balanced diet of advice by selecting information from all the major gurus. Read, digest and use that fuel to boost your business.

After all, variety IS the spice of life!

Article by Rosalind Gardner, author of the best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". To learn how you too can succeed in Internet and affiliate marketing, go to:

You may use this article provided you leave the article unchanged, acknowledge the author and include the resource box with live links.
Ron Passfield

Ron Passfield, PhD, affiliate marketing coach, is developing his affiliate business through the step-by-step coaching provided by the Affiliate Classroom:

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Why Ugly Sites Sell More Than Pretty Ones

Why Ugly Sites Sell More Than Pretty Ones
By Anik Singal

What the heck is going on lately? Most internet websites I go to now, all I see are pretty graphics everywhere. I see moving images, I see crazy JAVA, things flying around.

Don't get me wrong, some of these graphics are truly amazing - I love to see them! But, that's the problem! I only love to look at them, when I'm done looking at them, I LEAVE! Lately, there's been a disturbing trend of everyone spending huge amounts of money on web graphics. The problem? There is NO proof that this really helps your sales!

As a matter of fact, one of my biggest money makers is a consulting service...

...I put that page up in 5 minutes (after writing my copy). Believe it or not, but even being such a high priced service - that page converts about 2.5% - of course I get very targeted traffic...


BUT, it has content! It has great copy, it's got my face, my voice and a great service - the ACTUAL key ingredients to making a website that sells...Now, the problem is that most people are very logical - you would THINK that a good looking site should sell more - it makes sense right?

You expect that a good looking site probably increases your credibility - I mean, come on, it shows your visitor that you REALLY mean business, yadda yadda yadda...But, again, look at MY site - I'm selling a high priced consulting service to business owners - I'm actually selling my expertise in the internet business world. Yet, the site design (or lack there of) seems to have NO influence.

Just so you know, I DID try a nice fancy design for that page. You want to know what happened to my conversion? It plummeted down to 1.4%! Now, that I've got your attention, let's look at why it is that a prettier site probably sells less:

1. More graphics take longer to load.

Not everyone has fast internet yet - actually, most people don't. No one wants to wait for hours for a site to upload!

2. More graphics distract your visitors from your message.

Your graphics can actually work against you because your visitors spend more time focusing on them than they do focusing on your copy! Remember, it's your COPY that sells - so if the visitor isn't reading the copy - he/she is NOT going to buy. Period.

3. Some visitors may not like the colors, you may be sending the wrong message to different cultures.

Just because YOU love the colors of your graphics and you love the color scheme of your website does NOT mean that your visitors do too. There it is, those are the three MAIN reasons to keep your website AS neutral AS possible.

So, remember, PRETTY does NOT always equal more sales!

Ugly sites DO sell and will continue to do so. What matters is what you're selling, your own expertise, and your copy writing. In the end, the best way to know what works best for your visitors is to TEST, TEST, and TEST some more!

Until next time,

Anik Singal
Affiliate Classroom

This article is written by Anik Singal, founder of Anik Singal has developed his own affiliate system that helped him earn well over $10,000 in just 60 days. Now, he's looking for a few students to train one step at a time.

Ron Passfield, PhD, affiliate marketing coach, is developing his affiliate business through the step-by-step coaching offered by the Affiliate Classroom:

Enrol in the Affiliate Classroom's FREE affiliate marketing course today: