12 Great Ways to Use Business Cards
Below is the first in our series of articles on emarketing
strategies that will help you to build your business.
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12 Great Ways To Use Business Cards
1. Include them in the envelope with your bill payments.
2. Use "reply paid" envelopes from advertisers to post
them your card.
3. Tape your card to videos when you return the videos
to your video store.
4. Give them away to people at meetings or network
5. Drop them into "win a free lunch" jars at cafes and
6. Place them on community notice boards.
7. Tape your business card to "free mail" and "reply paid"
8. Run a free community workshop on your hobby and give
out your cards as a contact source.
9. Give them to your friends and family.
10. Send a letter to everyone in the phone book with the
same last name as yourself and enclose your card (you could
seek information about your "family tree" in the letter).
11. Leave them in appropriate places in your local shopping
mall or hotel foyer.
12. Leave them with your tip when you pay your account
at a restaurant or hotel.
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I was inspired to write this article after hearing Tim Sebert on
a conference call. Tim is the leading recruiter for Global Domains
International (GDI) and he swears by business cards as a powerful
emarkting strategy.
Ron Passfield